Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Moving baby!

Cash is moving so much now! I love that feeling. He is definitely a lot more relaxed than Owen was. He just occasionally flips over, kicks, or moves a little bit. Owen would CONSTANTLY kick me, he couldn't hold still. I'm 21 weeks today and there are only 18 weeks left until this little guy is here! I bought a bouncer and a travel set, the only 2 things I really need. I think this next week I'll sand down the crib, bassinet and changing table and get those painted. Wow, so much to get done before he comes. I need to get into my storage and get all of Owen's old stuff out so I know how much more I REALLY need.

Owen is loving preschool, today they learned about the color red and had their first show and tell. He took a movie about penguins. I'm now wondering if his teacher thinks all he does is watch movies :p ! We're also taking Owen to a literacy workshop on Thursday nights for the next 4 weeks. They teach us about teaching our children and better ways to get them ready for school. I've been to one workshop so far and really liked it. Owen gets to play with some kids while the kindergarten teacher teaches us, then the kids come in and we practice what we learned. Best part, it's free!!

School is starting to get demanding now, and I knew it would. It's keeping me busy along with everything else. I love every second of it, it keeps me going. I believe I'm getting A's right now :D
So that's my updates for the week! Until next week (maybe sooner).

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